Loss of a good friend

I was notified this morning that one of my very best friends has passed away.

I met Bob D (and his then wife) in 1990, he was a friend of the lady who later became my wife. When my wife passed in 2020, I called Bob to notify him, and the next day he put his own life on hold and drove 160 miles cross country to be with me. He stayed with me for 4 days whilst I was in a complete daze and, without his help, I very much doubt if I would be here today writing this. I will never be able to thank him enough for his help and friendship, or ask for a better friend. I had visited him at his home twice in the last few weeks, and he was simply fading away, he had lost so much weight. Bob was always of a slim build, but to see the effect of his illness on him broke my heart.

I will miss Bob very, very much. Rest in peace, my friend.


Sorry to hear of the loss of your good friend.
Bob sounds like an amazing fella, what you could call ‘an Earth Angel’.
Rest in Peace, Bob x


He sounds like a beautiful person. I am sure you are missing him so much. Thank you for posting and expressing your gratitude for his life. Blessings