Loss of a husband, mother and child

I thought I was coping. I threw myself into work and caring for others. I have crashed and feel lonely, frightened and isolated. How do I move on from here ?

Hello @Madmags,

I’m Seaneen, the Online Community manager. Thank you for bravely reaching out. I’ve read your profile and I’m so sorry for all the grief and pain you’ve had to endure. It’s understandable that sometimes it gets too much.

I’m giving your thread a gentle, “bump” - I’m sure someone will be along soon to share their support.

Take good care,

I am so sorry. One bereavement is bad enough. I am not surprised you have crashed, everybody would.
I am sorry that I don’t have any answers. Only what others will say. Take just one hour at a time, keep reading and posting. We are all here for you, we will listen, hold your hand and send love and strength. I hope you find as much love and support here as I have.
And a big hug from mexx