I lost my son a couple of months before Xmas 2024, the pain is unbelievable, I miss him so much. We were close, spoke most days, even through his 4 years of illness and on days when he wasnt so good he’d still call to check if I was ok. He was very brave, I am so proud at how he coped with all the horrible treatment that was thrown at him, and he never moaned, never complained, he took it all and just got on with it. It just seems so unfair, he was a lovely person, kind, generous, do anything to help you out, he was funny too, he’d make a point of making me laugh when he rang, sometimes I knew he wasnt feeling too good yet he still wanted to make me feel happy, so unfair to lose such a sweet boy. I’ll never get over it, I miss him every minute of every day, I just wish I could have him back. Having read some of the messages on here I know lots of you are feeling the same as me, its hard, some days I dont know if I’ll cope. It comes over me like a wave, it’s just suddenly too much to bear, the tears come and then I can think of nothing else, it passes…untill the next time. At least now I have found you all I could maybe come and talk to you and see if that helps.
Please come back and talk to us again. We are all living in hell but sharing our experiences helps a little.