Loss of adult son.

I lost my 43-year old son this past September and I feel lost, angry and sad. Trying to answer the question why I am still here?


Hello @LarryD

I’m so sorry to read about the loss of your son. It sounds like you are feeling lost, angry and confused.

I just wanted to reach out to thank you for sharing so honestly and to let you know there is lots of other support out there. I would really encourage you to speak to someone about how you are feeling. The following website might help you find support services closer to home: https://help.befrienders.org/

You deserve care and support, @LarryD - keep on reaching out.

Take care,

Hi Larry, I lost my son in Jan 2023 and I ask myself the same questions. All of us on here know what you’re going through. It’s an awful pain we all share but we help each other through this difficult process. Take it a day, an hour or a minute at a time.


Thanks for the kind words. Taking it day by day. Good advice. Sometimes tough to do.



Hi Larry, I lost my son recently. He was found on 6th March but could have died much sooner. I’m 80 and still haven’t been able to accept I’ll never see him again.


Hi Scotsgranny - My heartfelt sympathy to you and everyone suffering the loss of their child. My son died suddenly on 6th March this year too and am finding it so hard knowing he will never again walk in the door. (I’m around the same age as you too).