Loss of both parents

I’m struggling to process the loss of my parents. Both passed very soon after each other

I have just heard yesterday that happened to a lady and her husband that the same thing happened. I was very sad thinking of her family. Also I had known her at church for as long as I can remember.
My parents died at the same age as each other but dad died 20 months before mum. But it could have happened almost at the same time.
I am so sorry that you have the double loss all at once. I can’t imagine it must be so hard.
To feel an orphan at any age is shattering.
My husband died 18 months ago and worry as I feel old how my son’s will cope. :pray: for you that you will find the strength and comfort you need. Hugs

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Hi A.Lou,

Well done on reaching out and so sorry for your loss.

I lost my Mum 2.5 years ago and my Dad a year ago yesterday!

The best thing I ever did after my Dad passed away was ask for ‘Help’!
You are not alone, grief will effect your MH, it’s ok to have a cry and it’s also ok to smile when a happy memory of your dear Mum & Dad happens - and I promise you this will happen.
A memory of a Sporting match from years ago came up yesterday

! That my Dad and I had attended and bought back Happy memories for me on a sad day,
It’s good to talk, use this community, talk to friends, ask your GP for help and ask your GP surgery if they have a Social Practitioner who you can talk to and maybe put you in touch with local bereavement groups.
Take care and be kind to yourself :blue_heart:

:blue_heart:Remember the Samaritans :phone:116123 or msg Shout by txt ‘Shout’ to 85258 services are there 24/7 and their volunteers are wonderful, if you find yourself in Crisis :blue_heart: