Loss of concentration

I know I am always on here with different subjects but it does help me so much to hear how other people are coping. It will be six months ago this month that my husband died and I have noticed that I can’t seem to retain anything in my memory anymore. I used to have such a good memory, I can remember everything about my husband’s illness and his death. But when it comes to things at work like instructions or even people’s names, it all just goes over my head. I can’t read because I have lost all concentration. Any correspondence that is difficult I can’t seem to grasp anymore. Even people’s conversations I cannot seem to follow anymore or dont seem to have the patience to even listen. I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and whether is just another part of grieving that I have to deal with.


You’re not alone.
My concentration has gone.
I can go upstairs and when I get there I wonder why.
I often watch a Tv program or Film and suddenly think what happened.
I forget to empty the washing machine or even cook.
I’ve taken to making lists, lists and more lists.

What a life!

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I’m exactly the same, my son has even suggested I see somebody like the gp he’s so worried but you’re right it’s all part of grief and it doesn’t bother me xx

I am also the same my mind wonders constantly and I can never find the words I want anymore, especially when speaking, it took 3 attempts on the phone last week to grasp the word January, I’m sure the person I was speaking to must have thought I was mad! I am due back to work next month and I’m really wondering how I’m going to cope with customers and remembering all the info I need to know.

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“Widow Brain”…


Oh thank you, that was a brilliant article described my brain exactly. My coping mechanism for work is saying " I am sorry but I am not taking anything in at the moment" and then my colleagues have more patience with me.

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