loss of dogs and my grandad

i’m 16 in a few months and just lost my grandad and 3 of my dogs. i left school last year and haven’t done any of my gcses because the school just forgot about me. i had my reasons for leaving i would rather keep them private. i do have my mum who i can talk to but she’s also dealing with this loss as well, i don’t know how i feel if i’m honest i just feel empty but the only thing keeping me slightly happy is my mum and my other dogs. it’s Christmas in 2 days and i get to see my nan and grandad who live in Spain as they are flying back for Christmas, so i’m excited about that but i know i won’t be happy without Lulah or Bianco or trixie my dogs, i don’t think i will ever get over loosing them it’s almost bianco’s 1 year anniversary since she passed and it’s still as painful as it was when it happened. i don’t know if i expect a reply to this i think i just wanted to type it out and feel it all.

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Hello Toughyear.
I’m so sorry to read about what’s happened to you. Life must seem very overwhelming when you have lost a presence like your Grandad. I havent lost a grandparent but am currently going through a bereavement of a Parent.
I see you have your Mum and I can imagine you are both caring for one another right now. Also though, like many on here I can understand the devastation losing your dog’s will have left you in. Dogs help us get over things, they are trusting and will stand by us no matter what. It’s hard to lose a dog and the comfort they bring, and you have lost three. I have previously experienced per loss too. You are right, it affects you for a long time. They are obviously a massive part of your young life.
Please tell someone how you are feeling, it’s not good to bottle things up. There are friendly people here who will help as well. Kind wishes to you.

thankyou so much it means a lot, sorry to hear about your loss x

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