Loss of ex husband

We lost the father of my children nearly 3 weeks ago. We were married for 21 years, having split up 5 years ago but had remained friends. It was very sudden and unexpected so were in shock for several days. Even now it doesn’t feel real. My children are coping well but my it’s affected me a lot worse than I expected. I’m slowly coming to terms with it. Should I be feeling like this even though we separated some time ago? The feeling of loss is immense, more so because I know he’s not there for our children any longer.

I think it’s normal to feel grief. You had a long history together and share children and as you remained friends you have nothing to ‘Not Feel’ about his death. You also mourn the loss of a dad for your children. It is natural. I have just lost my best friend. My therapist says it will take 6-12 mths to go through mourning as we were mates for 37 years.