Loss of husband

I lost my husband 4 weeks ago suddenly. I really don’t know how I am going to cope he was my world. I am beyond devastated. We had been together for 15 years, married for 11 years. We had no children it was just the 2 of us. I feel like my heart will never heal. I am dreading Christmas I just want to hide from the world till it is over :broken_heart: how do people cope in these situations.


Sorry to hear of your loss. Nothing could have prepared you for this journey. As you will be told by us all here, you can only take one day at a time and be kind to yourself.
We all cope with grief in different ways but the one thing I think we have all drawn strength from is being part of this group. Not that we want to be here but thank god this site is available.
For me it feel like a a small family, offering support and encouragement during this horrible dark time.

Because we know the pain and understand what everyone is going through it’s a good place to say it how it is without pretending it’s any different

Take care
Dee xxx


So very sorry for your loss. Totally understand how you feel. I lost my husband 10 months ago and looking back now I don’t know how I got here…as Dee says you really do just have to take one day at a time and you will get through it.
Like you, it was just the two of us (and our two cats) , we didn’t have children either, so I do know how devastating it is to lose your entire world.
Christmas will be over very soon
Look after yourself
Janey xx


I lost my husband in June suddenly married 35 years its hard to get through every day with out him so I know how you feel I would like to say it gets easier but not sure it fies u just learn to cope in a different way I miss him ever day 6 months gone so quick :cry: I have only just joined on here today because I need to know others understand how I feel and seeing so many people in my position life is so unfair sometimes


I lost my husband of 46 years in August this year and it all still feels so very raw. People don’t seem to understand and can be so insensitive. Had a Christmas card today from someone who knew us both for many years and came to the funeral. The message written inside, (with a letter of of the things they had done as a family), was To Marcella and Family. Have fun this Christmas!!! I was so upset about it. How can I have FUN when the love of my life is no longer here with me. Not sure at time of how to go on. There does not seem to be any point in anything any longer. Even my sons or granddaughter don’t make up for the loss and pain that I feel. I know I am not the only one and we are all in the same boat but why can’t people be a bit more compassionate? Let’s look after each other. Take care. Can’t wait for January. x


Thank you, its so hard. People are so nice and supportive but I feel they don’t really know how I feel. It’s a completely different loss to when I lost my parents if that makes sense. I didn’t love them any less it’s just feels different.
Take care x

Totally different from loosing your parents. Somehow with your parents you expect it and normally they have a ripe age. With your partner you loose part of yourself if that make sense. Christmas is excruciating with all the happy adverts on the television etc… Roll on January! Take care.

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Yes it does make a lot of sense, I do feel like I have lost a part of me. Yes Christmas is everywhere as well as worrying about spoiling Christmas for others as well. Roll on January I can’t wait for it.
Take care xx

yes it is to loose your husband i lost mine in november were married for 53 years and been together for 55 he had been ill for quite a long time but doesnt make it any easier just that i know hes at peace now and not in any more pain you have to carry on because that is what they would want loosing someone suddenly must be even harder

take care pat

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I think I do understand how you are feeling. My husband had a cardiac arrest on 14/12/20, I did CPR until paramedics took over and got his heart working but life support was switched off and he died 19/12/20. Idid Xmas for my 93 yr old mum, but can’t remember anything about it. This Xmas has been so dreadful, so many of my friends expect me to ‘be over it’ or frightened to mention his name in case I get upset.

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sorry to hear about your loss
there is no time limit to get over loosing someone close i find comfort when someone talks to me or i can talk to them about my husband
i didnt do christmas at all this year i couldnt face putting the tree or decorations up at all just went to my daughters and came back the day after to be with her and the grandchildren

take care pat


Thank you. Know I didn’t do decorations either
I think people think they are scared of upsetting us mentioning their names but I would rather they did xx

Yes Christmas was awful glad it’s over. Yes I find they are scared of upsetting us when they mention are loved ones names. I also feel I shouldn’t be crying
in case it upsets them or Spoils their time xx

yes i find some people dont know what to say but i talk about my husband all the time and you do seem to hold the tears back when you are with others its usualy putting a smile on your face when your with others and tears on your own
people say your doing very well but thats nly on the outside they cant see the hurt on the inside
just take one day at a time keep safe pat

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