Loss of husband

It’s been a year now since I lost my husband and I feel as if I’m living in a dream where I’m desperately shattered,empty and have no motivation to live life due to my loss and I think when I wake up all will be ok and my Michael will be there to say Good Morning.But that won’t happen I can’t seem to accept I’ll never see him,hear him,laugh with him or kiss him or be cuddled by him.I find it too difficult to think of him or see photos of him.Life has no meaning I don’t see how I can continue.


Hi Margaret5

I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. It sounds as though things are very difficult at the moment and you are feeling overwhelmed.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support soon. You might already be familiar with our other Online Bereavement Support services, but if not, you can find out more about our Online Counselling service, our Grief Coach text support service, and our Grief Guide self-help tools by visiting the link.

Another good place to get support is either WAY (Widowed and Young) - for anyone under 50 who has lost a partner: www.widowedandyoung.org.uk or there is WAY Up which is the same as WAY, but for 50+, http://www.way-up.co.uk/

Take care - keep reaching out, Rhi

Hi @Margaret5
I’m so sorry you are feeling so sad and lost since your husband passed.
What you describe sounds so common as I think we all find our situations so difficult to come to terms with.
I have no answers sadly, but perhaps there are some bereavement groups near to where you live which you could join - or some counselling that might help - Cruse could have some support you could access as well as maybe seeing your GP who could refer you to some local groups etc.
A year is not long in the grief journey.
I’m just 4 months in and still feel so lost and sad all the time. I wish my husband was still here and wonder how I can get through each day without him.
Keep posting here if it helps - there is a lot of support and understanding here. Remember you are not alone.
Sending a big hug for you xx

@Margaret5 So sorry for your loss. I too lost my husband just over a year ago. I thought I would feel at least a little bit better as all the ‘1sts’ are over and done with but this last week all I want to do is cry. I’m not sleeping very well so that is making me feel worse. I have a re acuring neck problem which is so painful and that is pulling me down. I know in my heart my darling husband wouldnt want me to feel like this but I just cant snap out of it. I too feel empty inside but put on a brave face for others and say ‘I’m ok’ when really I’m not. Life really isnt fair is it but i know there are a lot of people worse off then me so why am I complaining. Sorry to go on so but am at a real low at the moment. Hope you feel at least a little bit better. Kindest regards,