Loss of husband

My husband died 3 weeks ago. He was 48. He wasn’t poorly and was doing his normal things 2 days before so it’s all been a massive shock. I am absolutely broken. I don’t know how I am going to carry on. I don’t want to be here without him but we have 2 young daughters so I know I have to carry on.
I feel so alone and the future scares me without him. I feel so lost.

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I am so sorry about you husband, my partner died less than a month ago, so I am with you and the future will look after itself, you need to look after you and those two little girls.

We will find the strength to get through it, I find nights the toughest time not that it’s ever not tough, anyway be kind to yourself and feel free to message me if you need a chat, or someone to just vent at.

Sending you all big hugs xx

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Sorry to hear of your loss take one day at a time your daughters will keep you strong
Every day will bring new thoughts
Always talk about your loved one keep there memories alive

That’s what keeps me going my children

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I am sat here staring into space wondering why this is happening. I don’t understand why this is now mine and the girls’ lives. I just want him back. I just need to talk to him just one more time as he would always know what to say and do. The thought of him being gone forever and how I’ll never see him again is just so unbearable.

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So sorry you are also going through this. I lost my fiancé 12 weeks ago , he was diagnosed with Leukaemia and then 20 days later was taken from me and our son . I am feeling all sorts of emotions. I am scared to look ahead so just taking it day by day as that’s all I can face. It’s so lonely without him and can’t see how things going to get any better without him . He was my everything and I miss him so so much , the pain of loosing him hurts more than anything


I lost my husband 15 weeks ago. Like you it was sudden. He started to feel unwell one afternoon and in 24 hours he was dead. He was 66. Although I feel I have made progress over these weeks I still don’t truly believe it deep down inside. It can’t be true. People don’t get pneumonia and sepsis and die in 24 hours. There must be a mistake. He did everything right. But we all know we cannot change it. The trick is to not look to far ahead. A day at a time. Hour by hour if you have to. You have your daughters. Concentrate on what you have to do. You will get through it. We all do. We may not like it but we just have to navigate our way through the pain. I’m hoping that at some point I will accept what has happened. Perhaps then I can start thinking of a future. But for now it’s just today I need to survive. Good luck

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