Loss of mum and dad

Hi I don’t know what brought me here, I just need some help, I feel no one really understands what I’m going through.

Hi Donna62

I’ve been posting here for a few weeks. I lost my Mum on 8th December. My life has completely changed beyond all recognition and will never be the same. I miss her so much.

I don’t really feel able to talk to my partner or friends…my partner lost his dad on 4th January and we are grieving very differently. I don’t want to burden my friends because all I want to do is scream and cry with the raw grief and no one can give me what I need. Only my Mum could do that.

I have found that people on this site really do get it. Just reading other people’s posts or getting some kind words to one of my posts has helped me. I don’t know why or how but it has. It makes you feel less alone and that someone does understand.


I’m sorry for your loss hon.

I don’t know what o need to get through, just need to try everything.


Hi Donna, so sorry for your loss, it is really hard losing parents, I lost my dad 2010 then lost my mom 2017. Its been so hard to deal with the loss of losing both mom and dad. I thought it would get better in time but sometimes I feel so alone. My husband is great but does not understand how I’m feeling. Some days I forget that my mom has gone and want so much to call her and tell her about my good days and bad days. Plus most of my friends still have parents and really don’t understand how I’m feeling. My dad died of a heart attack and my mom died of cancer. So I do know how you feel hun, xx

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