Loss of mum

Hi my mum aged 83 urs old died 5 weeks ago and I am lost , I go to ring her as we spoke at least 6times a day in the phone . Atm I have her ashes in my kitchen window as I can’t part with her just yet.
I suffer with my mental health and have done since I was 18 urs old. My children are concerned I am going to go down hill fast.

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Dear @Marypopins1968

Welcome to the community. I am sorry for the loss of your mum. There is no rush to part with your mums ashes. You will know when the time is right to decide what you will do with them

Sue Ryder has recently launched Grief Self-Help Service provides supportive articles and interactive tools to help you cope with grief and navigate some of the feelings you are having. It would be worth taking a look.

Have you considered booking an appointment with your GP to let them know how you are feeling and to see if there are any Bereavement Support groups in your area?

Please do not feel you are alone and continue to reach out here. We are all here to support you. If you need any further information please email online.community@sueryder.org.

Take care.


Thank you for ur reply.

I spoke to doctors and they said it will take time and gave me a prescription for tablets for Anxiety.

I am just taking hour by hour atm

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