loss of my beautiful sister on the 21st december 2024

My sister had complex needs, but she was my best friend, she should have been turning 40 in feb, it was so traumatic her death and i so blame myself, though people keep telling me i couldn’t have done anything more for her, she was my life, i have no idea how i have functioned over this christmas period, it was her favourite time of the year all the glitter and colour

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Im so sorry for your huge loss. I too lost my sister on 12th December. This last few weeks since have been the worst of my life.
She also loved christmas.
Funeral coming up next week and trying to even imagine being there to say goodbye just feels wrong. I will ofcourse attend but it feels like a nightmare but i know i will never wake up from it.
I hope you find some comfort at somepoint. The best thing i have done is have photos of my sister all over the place at home so i see her everywhere i am. I find it comforting.


my sisters funeral is the end of january, I am so sorry you lost your sister too,
it was so sudden for me, we knew she could go at anytime due to her having epilepsy and other complex needs, but she had been so well, for the last few months, normally she ends up with respiratory illness this time of the year, but she was managing so well. she woke up on the saturday morning fine, singing etc, she had her breakfast and brew, if she had felt ill she would refuse to eat, but she didnt, the staff that were on with her gave her a shower and she began to be sick, it was bad, we settled at the evening and kept checking her sats etc by sunday morning she was really poorly going down hill fast, ambulance came blue lights and siren, took her straight in to resus and told us there was nothing they could do. it was horrendous.
i end up crying in the most inappropriate places xx

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Bless you and your family.
Such a huge loss. My sister was ill 7 years ago with catastrophic consequences.
She had sepsis and multiple organ failure due to clinical negligance, 7 years on after years of battling all sorts of medical issues she finally got her court settlement and seemed as well as she was ever going to be and then a few weeks before she passed she had a cough that seemed to not be getting better, was admitted to hosp and died from aspirational pneumonia and multiple organ failure. I was with her when she passed and in some ways it made it more real so maybe easier to grasp but for her sons its just unreal.
We all know she wasnt going live to a grand old age but we at least expected another 10 years. I mean 53 for a woman who was healthy 10 years ago… just too young.
I have photos of her up at home and am waiting on a necklace with her photo in but nothing feels worse than her loss.
Take care of you but let the grief come, let it washover you and ride the waves because grieving is important xx


I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. My Sister passed away on 14th December and we had her funeral on Monday. She fought cancer for two years but died at the age of 48. She had so much to live for so I understand the loss you are feeling. I’m due back at work next week but am struggling to even visit family and make small talk just now. This grief is so brutal and life seems so unfair.

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I am very sorry for the loss of your sister.

Kind regards



I am thinking of you.

Take care


Sorry for your loss. I lost my sister in December 2023 and have started to feel really sad this year so a year later. I think it’s taken me time to process her passing. She was diagnosed with cancer and given 5 years and then just 5 weeks later died. All too sudden. Losing a sibling feels like part of your heart has been torn out.

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Thank you yes i feel that- part of my is gone.
Cant get my head around that i wont ever see her again.
So sorry for your loss. I lost a few people last year and then to lose one so precious was and is devastating, im signed off work for another week because i just do not have room in my head for my duties and responsibilities right now x
Take care of you