Loss of my dad

My dad passed in May, only having been given 6wks to live he lasted 6wks and 2days,during this time I cared for him, also my 20 year marriage ended and I had to move house. I just feel that it has been too much at the one time and feel that the longer time goes on the harder I’m finding it and pretend to others I’m fine as I fear that they are sick of me being sad and in my mind I feel as though they are like get over it he’s gone. My dad raised myself and my brothers himself and I saw or spoke to him everyday now there is a gaping hole, I wear his gloves to bed as I feel like he’s holding my hand don’t know if this is too far but I find comfort in it :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:


@Anniedee i think that sounds lovely . Wear the gloves !
I wear my Dads unwashed socks :pleading_face::flushed: I think you have to do whatever helps .
It’s only been 4 weeks for me it’s getting harder and I feel isolated . I can’t talk to my friends really they just feel sorry for me and I hate it .
I’m here and i understand xx


@Anniedee & @Laura8 You’re both doing what helps you thru. Wearing something belonging to a loved one is a fantastic idea, don’t let anyone tell you differently. The ones who criticise are usually the ones not going thru it…I’m having one of those rings made with Dad’s ashes so he’s with me always. I’ve also looking into an ashes tattoo. It’d be my first & only one. Love to you both X

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@Cee that sounds really nice :blush:
Good idea . X

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I’m getting jewellery made as well, I also got my dad to write my dad my hero on a piece of paper while he was still able and got it tattooed on my arm so I always have his writing on me , never had any thought of getting a tattoo before but just found this fitting and knew he wld never write another birthday card etc :heart: ashes tattoo is a a fab idea :heart::heart:


@Anniedee that’s really lovely x

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@Anniedee Awesome idea & That you had the presence of mind to get your Dad to do that whilst he still could. There are many things I wish I’d thought of before Dad died but hindsight is a wonderful thing. I’ve found some Birthday cards with his handwriting, so looking into a tattooist copying that when I’m in a better frame of mind. :+1:t3: