Loss of my dad

I lost my dad in July this year he had cancer and it happens very quickly, all within 10 weeks from diagnosis to death. He was 75 and it was a silent cancer. I’m busy helping my mum with stuff just to help her out, I’m one of three. I’m turning 40 in December and it feels so strange as it’s going to be without him.

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Hi, I think all the ‘firsts’ we do after we lose our parent will be super hard. I lost my mum recently in September, and I don’t know how I’m supposed to get through Christmas and my birthday without her. My mum was also diagnosed with her cancer late. It all happened very quickly so I didn’t have time to process it all. I think all we can do is give ourselves time and be kind to ourselves, but it’s going to be so hard and so upsetting, and we will miss them forever :broken_heart:x

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Thank you sorry for your loss :broken_heart: . It is really hard and I agree we don’t have time to process it. :broken_heart:.

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