Loss of my dad

4 weeks ago yesterday my dad my hero was taken from me and my family . Since the funeral which was last week I feel so lost and anxiety - just wow. I have gone through every emotion possible anger included , not angry at anyone or anything in particular just everything if that makes any sense.

Trying to find a purpose or coping strategy that works for me but don’t know how. Have family around and now to look after my mum as best we can who now seems so fragile which is understandable as she has just lost her husband of what would have been 55 years this may.
Thanks for reading!!!

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I am so sorry you lost your dad, it makes perfect sense to be angry at everything, and nothing, I feel that too. I thought my dad, my hero would be with me forever, it’s such a shock when they’re suddenly gone.

It does get to a point where you feel okay, just give yourself time, and you can still talk to him, I talk to mine everyday and sometimes I feel he’s still looking out for me.

Look after yourself.

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