Loss of my daughter in law

My beautiful daughter in law passed away in February leaving behind my two beautiful granddaughters aged 6 and 4 and my son her husband she was 32 years old I’m so angry at cancer July is usually a month of celebration with so many family birthdays and their wedding anniversary my granddaughter will be 7 celebrating her first birthday without her mummy I’m devastated trying to be so strong for my family I want to celebrate birthdays and anniversary’s but I am falling apart crying all the time. I need to be stronger


I am so sorry for your loss. Totally heartbreaking. So young, life is cruel. I lost my husband in March unexpectedly and have found comfort on here knowing others understand what I am feeling. I hope you find this too. It’s so hard with birthdays and anniversaries. Take care


Hi, I’m so sorry for your loss

I also lost our DIL in December she was 33, she passed very suddenly a few days before Christmas but I totally understand how your feeling

I also lost my mum a couple of months ago now it’s so hard feeling like you’ve been left to pick up the pieces!

We have been left 4yr old twins to raise and we talk about mummy all the time, we talk about things she used to do or said? It feels important that we keep her memory alive

I’d also advise looking for child grief services, sadly there is nothing for under 6’s local to us so the twins are left in limbo with me helping them through this!!

Anyhow my thoughts are with you :heart::heart:

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