Loss of my daughter

Im finding the loss of my daughter a massive struggle, she passed away 5th of June. She was 34,


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my son in March aged 35 and not sure how I’ve got this far to be honest. I have had a few good days though…then I feel guilty. I couldn’t drive for 8 weeks as I was not safe and I knew it. This site is a lifeline where people actually understand you. I’ve changed so much, can’t be bothered with people, they annoy me and stupid chit chat and moaning. Little steps for us all, keep messaging on here is the way ahead. Take care xx

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Im so sorry for the loss of your son, Im going to give this sight a go, ive never been a person for sharing my thoughts, i normally keep things bottled up, but im finding it too hard & overwhelming,


This site is amazing I find and without it I would loose it completely. I found by writing a private daily journal helps a bit, just put anything down and let it flow, I got the idea from someone on here, it’s worth a try xx


So very sorry to read about your daughter. My daughter, 43, passed away 26 August.
Shocked and devastated, and totally heartbroken. I don’t think we will ever get over this

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My daughter died on 26 August. I feel like my life has stopped too. I feel your comments are very similar to mine. People try to be understanding but often say things that upset or make me angry. My life has turned upside down

Annette, I feel empathy for you - I lost my 34 year old daughter in April and it is still a struggle each day. Thinking of you x

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Hello Annette,
I’m so very sorry for your loss. The pain is unbearable, and like others I have zero tolerance. I am very selective as to who I let in to support me as so many people say the wrong thing and that adds to the pain. I lost my 28 year old daughter Chloe in august and had her funeral only a few days ago.
I feel I’m in shock still if I’m honest.
Keep talking , hopefully you will find this site a source of comfort.
Be kind to yourself and tiny steps at a time, moment by moment,
Michelle xx


Hi all i know how your hurting AT first its shock . Loosing a child is massive dosnt matter what age.i lost sam two years ago age 25 .he had sarcoma a rare cancer four months he was gone .it breaks you and your family.it still somedays feels like yesterday our life changed for ever .the roller coaster ride gets a bit gentler with time .really it ptsd its shocking im sending you all big hugs baby steps your :broken_heart::heart:


Losing a child leaves a huge hole and of all the losses people suffer , it takes the longest to rebuild our lives after.

Somehow we keep going .

Talking to others who have suffered this loss definitely helps me feel less alone .

Keep talking .



Yep just have to keep going somehow. Had massive meltdown yesterday afternoon when my partner got in from work. All what I was saying was irrational and I knew it but couldn’t stop. He had not even walked through the door when I was crying. He listened and said you know what you are saying isn’t right, I know but I can’t help it. Regrouped again. Sorry for wittering on. Hope you are ok xx

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You have every right to say and do irrational things .
You have lost your beloved son.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. We all have these meltdowns . We probably need them .

We have suffered a traumatic loss .
Rational just goes out the window sometimes.


Thank you, my mind was literally in overdrive. Feel more calm today. How are you doing xx

Glad you are calmer today . We just don’t know how we will be from one day to next .

Spent most of yesterday in tears went to support group last night which helped a lot .

Okish today.

Been for a walk and just sat in garden .

Hope your day is as good as can be


Glad you went to a support group and I really hope that helps you. We need all the help we can get. I’ve been for a walk this morning with my partner before he went to work, then walked with my so called best friend….all she did was moan as usual, never even asked how I was. Going to have a potter around in the garden later and maybe a quick bike ride….must check wind direction first lol. I think 2 weeks today is the inquest and I will be sat in there, makes my heart pound. Take care and thank you for your kindness, this site is my saviour xx


@Annette1968 I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my youngest son, aged 28 on 8 October 2021, I honestly can’t believe it’s almost 2 years. I miss him so much, every day is a struggle but I still take it hour by hour, day by day. I also keep a journal, not every day now but I find it’s a way to clear the thoughts from my head.
This site is wonderful, I think it’s the one single
Thing that helps me through. Grief is such a lonely place but if you reach out there are other parents going through exactly the same things. Made he realise I’m not going mad xx