Loss Of My Dog & Loyal Companion

Hi, I would like to get in touch, regarding the loss of my much loved family dog Morgan nearly a year ago. I have struggled to come to terms with my loss, especially as it was not a very settling or comforting time after it happened. I have been through 2 very difficult family losses in the last 2 & a half years; Both these losses have really impacted on me, the way other people cannot quite relate. I do find losing Morgan very difficult to talk about even on this present day. Morgan was the most gentle soul, he had a very rough start to life before he was part of my family and in nearly 11 years our bond grew very special. He was the second dog we had after our first dog passed away 2 months before we had Morgan. We only had our first ever dog for over 2 years, but after his untimely passing, he sent Morgan to me & my family. Morgan was really in need of a loving home with a loving family having been poorly treated in his previous home. It was definitely their loss, our gain! Morgan was so very special and no one else in this world is like him. For me, I lost a best friend and another much loved family member. Knowing that it is coming to a year since his passing is scary; I loved him all his life & will miss him the rest of mine. His passing has left a huge void in our lives.


I’m so sorry for you. Morgan was a very special dog to you and your family and you clearly had a very close bond. I can understand your pain, having loved and lost 3 dogs before I got my current one almost 10 years ago. The pain of losing a dog is like no other, they are so in tune with us and can read our emotions without us even realising. You gave Morgan a wonderful life filled with love, please try to think of that. He would have felt that love for the rest of his life, right to the end.
After my 3rd dog passed after just 16 months with me, I was so heartbroken and vowed never to have another dog. However, following the arson attack in 2014 at Manchester Dogs Home a whole year later, I had to get another one, so I visted their sister home, Cheshire Dogs Home and found Silke. She has been with me through my dramas that I’ve gone through in the last 8.5 years, and I never regretted buying her, although very soon she will be leaving me as her body is failing fast now.
Please try to remember the good times. X

It’s really hard to cope with losing family and pets are family. This year I lost my mum in January and my beautiful cat Ruby had to be put to sleep yesterday as she had a brain tumor and was suffering. Sending a hug xx

Sorry for your loss of your loyal companion. A dog is a member of the family same as anyone else so there loss is felt the same. I know some people say “it’s just a dog” No its not its more then that it’s a friendly face to greet you when you come home ,it’s a cuddle on sofa when you feel down, it’s a companion that doesn’t judge you and always faithful. It’s your best friend that asks for nothing in return only to be fed and water . I lost my dear little dog in 2018 she is buried in the garden with her favourite toy and a rose marks her spot i still talk to her when by her grave. I have two little dogs now who are wonderful but i will never forget my little gypsy lou. Hope this helps you a wee bit. :people_hugging: :dog: