Loss of my hubby

How do you cope im finding it hard to function after losing my hubby in october from getting his diagnosis to passing away was 3 weeks i didnt have time to process what was happening and now feel so lost


Hello barkar, I’m sorry for your loss. I’m in a similar state losing my mum in October. I was her carer for the 17 months prior and losing her has devastated my mind. Some days I’m not sure why I’m carrying on. I can’t seem to find any purpose nor direction. One thing that has helped a little is going out and getting any sunshine wherever I can find it. Staying indoors too long just puts me in darker state of mind. I hope you can find some peace of mind by sharing on this site. My heart goes out to you.

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So sorry it’s awful isn’t it. I can only say what I do which is take it all day by day week by week. Lost mine August, 44 yrs love of my life. Horrific. Still crying every day. Still hoping he’s coming back. Big hug


Hi thank you for your kind words it is certainly hard and like you i had known my hubby 38 years married for 21some days its so hard and just getting out of bed is so hard .i miss being able to have our little chats and being there for each other .it has left such a void that cant be filled at the moment i didnt realise being in a room full if people you could feel so lonely hopefully the pain will ease over time for us both one day at a time

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