Loss of my husband and life partner

Just being able to talk to others who have been through the same as myself. I lost my husband 6 years ago from COPD 3 days after our 38th wedding anniversary and I still struggle some days in that he is no longer with me. The loneliness at times makes me very depressed and I would just love to chat and share a cup or coffee or tea with.


Im sorry you are still struggling. Its 6 months for me and im finding it harder not easier. Where in Bristol do you live?


Sorry to hear @Mossie @Freefaller that you are suffering regarding your losses.
Me too has been 4 months now thought i was getting better but some days it feels like yesterday unfortunately the pain and loneliness is still the same. I do try to keep busy during the day but the nights are long and the silence is the hardest.
I know this is the new life we now have to live but its not what we planned or wanted.
Take care x


I get it. I lost my husband 2 and a half years ago from covid. He was only 57. I still live in the same house but will be moving. I still have a lot of his stuff but have gotten rid of most of his clothes. I thought i would be better by now. Do you think it is strange to want to be with him but not die yourself?


I think it’s just the broken heart and the complete longing and loneliness that makes us feel we want to be with them (but not go ourselves, if you know what I mean).


True. I agree

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It can be lonley, I am going to a drop in counselling group, to meet people as my friends all have stopped contacting me.

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