Loss of my husband

It’s 7 weeks today since I lost my husband, very suddenly (over a period of approx 2 weeks). We have been married for nearly 47 years and we’re always together. I am really struggling, have amazing support from our children, but they too are greiving at the loss of their much loved dad. I have tried to find a support group locally, unfortunately without success. I feel I would benefit from this just having people in similar position as myself meeting and chatting. If anyone knows of such a group please let me know. Many thanks.


Hello @GGroves,

Thank you for reaching out. I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband.

You might want to look at the AtALoss website. It is a directory of bereavement support, including support groups. If you click this link then select your region, you can see what bereavement support is available in your area.

Your council’s website should also have information on local bereavement support. If you search for “your council name + bereavement”, you can find your council bereavement support page.

I hope this is helpful - take good care,