Loss of my mam

Hi my mum fell ill at the beginning of August myself and my older sister both looked after her she started to get worse has time went on she then passed away on the 23rd of August since then I’ve not known what to do. I’m now due to go back to work but I’m totally not ready I’m not sleeping when I do I see my mams face the morning she passed I’m also having mini panic attacks do you think I should take more time off.



I took 4 months off when my mum died suddenly 3 years ago. I wasn’t capable of work and I saw my GP once a month. On month 4 I decided to return and I then worked reduced hours for a further 2 months increasing them slowly. It took 6 months before I was capable of full time work.
Without this support I would have had to leave work and probably never return. Now I am as productive and dedicated about my work as I always was, although my mum is always on my mind and her loss has changed me forever.
If you feel you need more time, then take more time. You will know when you are ready.



I’m really struggling it’s hard I’m not ready for work getting told to take has much time off has I need then others are say go back it will help but I don’t want to be half way though a shift it not fair on me nor my boss so time off is what I need gonna speak to my doctor and see what he suggests has had a break down today over the simplest thing

You will. It such early days.
Take some more time off. Things will get better. It just takes time


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Thank you so much

You will know when it’s time to go back to work, only person you should listen to is yourself

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I know and that’s what I’m going to do

Speak with a doctor get some grief counselling and don’t feel you have to rush into anything I went back to college after mum passed away to try and keep my self busy but regretted it

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