Loss of my mum

Hi All I lost my 81 year old Mother at the end of September after being diagnosed with lung cancer 18 months ago. I’m finding myself feeling very numb, wondered if this is normal? The funeral was last week and whilst I am crying I’m just not really feeling much.

I’m sorry for your loss. :heart: We all react differently to grief and in the early days we are usually still numb from shock, so it isn’t strange at all that you don’t feel much. It might change, or it might not, but either way there isn’t anything wrong. :people_hugging:

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Thank you for that. Appreciate the response.

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Dear @Shaztan

I am sorry to hear of the recent loss of your mum. Grief is a horrible journey of emotions, it is a rollercoaster ride with good days and bad days. All of which is normal. Grief is a journey to be taken at your pace. It is not a race. Everyone has a different grief journey.

There are resources by Sue Ryder which may be of help to you at this time.

There is a useful Grief Guide that contains information to help you understand and cope with your bereavement and grief. When you feel ready, it would be worth having a look at it.

It might be helpful for you to book and appointment with your doctor to let them know how you feel and to see how they can support you if you have not done so already. You may wish to consider one to one Counselling in the near future. Sue Ryder offer free online Bereavement Counselling which you may be interested in. It would be worth having a look at it.

There is an article on Losing a Parent which may be of help and support to you along with Stages of Grief .

There is a Grief Coach text service, which sends you personalised text support via SMS. This is helpful for family and friends too.

You are in the early stages of grief of losing your mum and what you are experiencing is normal and part of the grieving process.

There is an organisation called AtALoss that has useful resources and information for Bereavement support. On their website if you look at Bereavement Services and go down to Location, you can see if your area is listed.

You need to be gentle with yourself and take one day at a time. Keep reaching out here, you are not alone, we are all here for you. We understand the pain of losing a loved one.

Take care of yourself.

Peppers x

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Thanks Peppers, that’s very helpful. Appreciate your response.