Loss of my partner

Hi all i lost my partner of 11years on the 28th aug 24 came out the blue. She started getting confused so i took her to hospital 2 days in she was doing well then on the Monday i got a call theres no more they can do died on the weds. I had no preparation time i feel like its not real, im just lost and cant function properly. Im not sure how im going to move forward i feel like ive lost a massive part of me and i cant get it back. Im just going through the motions and have no motivation to do anything. Its so wrong as she was only 41 thats the kicker i cant get my head round. I wake up in a morning and get 10 secs of normality then the realisation kicks in and the groundhog day starts again

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Hi Danny

My husband died suddenly on September 29th. I am in so much pain I can’t breathe at times. I feel exactly like you do and cannot begin to imagine a future without my husband and nor do I want to. Reading the various posts on here leads me to believe that although I can’t believe it now, I will learn to live with my pain. Sending you a hug.

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Hi im so sorry for your loss too, im in same boat i cant see past tomorrow and its tough to think past that as the pain kicks in. I mean people say it gets easier with time im not sure it does. On a plus side ive still got our dogs which kedp me busy and force me to go out. Its the emptyness in the house thats gets you the silence. I hope you find a way to cope as im trying to do

It is 13 weeks since I lost my partner of nearly 40 years. I visited our daughter on the weekend amd still felt lonely and couldn’t hold back the tears. I came home on Sunday evening. My son is looking after my 4 dogs for me. They are not due home until tomorrow. I have done absolutely nothing. I haven’t even got up today. I never imagined grief and loss to feel this horrific. It is such a struggle for us all


So sorry you have found yourself here. My husband was killed in an accident two months ago. I am trying to put one foot in front of the other for my son who was in the car with him.
I have found it helps to post here, everyone understands what the pain is like , I hope it helps you too x


The community here is a support. I lost my husband suddenly in August and I totally understand the way you feel.
I hope you can take strength from the positives in this community
Sending a hug x

The loneliness even when with people is so hard.
Sending a hug x

Yes too true and thank you sending hugs back i do appreciate it.

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