Loss of my son

Hi, I’m new to this community. I lost my 24 year old son 3 months ago. I manage day to day by pushing it away but invariably there are times when I can’t and the pain and loss feels so overwhelming . Loosing him was so sudden and unexpected. I just want to be able to talk to him again. I miss him so much.


Sending you kind thoughts……I lost my 27year old son suddenly in June this year and miss him dearly. There is not a day goes by that I don’t think about him.
The days have slowly improved but I still get days where I feel completely overwhelmed and wonder how and why to continue.

This forum has really helped…even though none of want to be here……
Remember to be kind to yourself and listen to your body, if it needs to do nothing, allow yourself to do that. If you need to cry….allow yourself to do that.
Most on here and other forums remind us that it hurts so much because we have so much love for our children but it has nowhere to go.
Hopefully you have somebody who will just sit and listen to you……or just sit.
Stay strong, sending love.


Thank you.
I’m hoping that talking to people here will help. It feels a very lonely journey at the moment. X


I lost james 4 months ago. The pain is overwhelming. I dont know to cope without him. Sending love to you all x


I’m so sorry Laura, I have always felt very alone with my grief. Hopefully we can all feel less alone and overwhelmed by posting in this forum.
It’s such early days , not that I expect time to heal but maybe we help each other through the really gut wrenching days.
Take care x

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I lost my son coming up to three months ago too. Losing your child is the worse thing that can happen to you. My son took his own life and I’m tortured by it. He’d struggled with his mental health for a long time. I long to see him and the grief just bulldozes over me. I’ve had times where I didn’t want to live. Talking on here has helped me so much. I’m hoping things will improve slowly but surely. x

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I’m so sorry, loosing your child is ,I think the worst kind of loss. I’ve lost in recent years both my parents and my sister but nothing compares to the pain I feel of loosing my son. I can’t imagine how loosing your son to suicide must be.
I can understand the wanting to speak to him and see him again feels , it’s all those unanswered questions that plague your mind. I don’t know where you live but there are support/ bereavement groups around for people who have lost loved ones to suicide.
Take care and look after yourself. X


Just beautiful, I hope they were reunited x

Im sorry to hear of the loss of your son. Sending my deepest sympathies to all who are struggling with child loss.
My son died suddenly 3 years ago, each day is a challenge to get through, some days are harder than others but what never changes is how much I miss him. I always will, but we somehow to learn to live with pain we feel, and it becomes our new normal, as does the emptiness.
I like to think that for every day we survive, we are another day closer to being together again.
Much love to you all, i am so thankful we can be here to share our grief. It makes me feel we are less alone xx