Loss of my Soul Mate

My wonderful husband died September 2022 from a cardiac arrest l was with him it was so sudden, he said he didn’t feel well, l said you will be okay in a minute, as l said it he died in front of me we had been together for 55years, and celebrated 50 years of married life in March 2022.
My heart feels like it’s been torn from my body, lm lost and keep thinking he will come back to me and make me whole again and continue with our life that we shared.

all my confidence has disappeared, l hold his clothes and wonder what life is about doubting everything that l believed in, wondering where he is.
I cry so much and wonder if this pain will every disappear, l feel not, l loved him so so much he was my every thing.
I am fortunate to have 3 children who are very supportive and grandchildren, also to have had 55 years with my wonderful husband.
I have been reading everyone’s heartaches and it makes you feel not so alone as we go through life without our loved ones, l hope we all find comfort as we go on this difficult journey.
Our little dog who we loved was hit by a car and died Saturday cannot believe this happened. So more heart ache,
Comforting hugs to you all


@Take2 So very sorry to hear you lost your husband last September. My husband passed away this January.
Like you, I feel my heart and soul have been ripped away from me, I have absolutely no confidence and no structure to my life. The person I used to be no longer exists. I cry a lot, so many reminders to set it off.
I stopped listening to the radio as there always seemed to be one of our songs or pieces of music playing, one day on ClassicFM, one from our wedding, I cannot watch any TV programmes we watched together.
All of my husband’s clothes are still in his wardrobe and drawers. I have two drawers with his razor, wallet, spectacles, watch and other keepsakes. The last piece of music he played is still on the piano,
I miss him more every day but he is with me everywhere I go. I talk to him a lot,
I am trying to be positive and I go out, meet friends and involve myself with what’s going on. I have had some counselling which has helped to talk about my feelings.
Very sorry to hear about your poor little dog.
Love never dies.
Hugs to you xx


Thank you for reaching out to me , l have visited this site many times some times everyday and at all hours , since my lovely caring husband passed. And have only just posted.

Reading individuals heartaches has helped me on this dreadful journey without our soulmate.

l chat to my husband each day, occasionally l feel l have taken small steps forward only to find myself in floods of tears for hours on end, small triggers set me off .

Like you music and TV were tricky, I now watch TV nothing to heavy and have the radio on for company.

l hope when you feel stronger you will again listen to the music and watch TV you shared and loved with your husband, small steps.

l phoned a counsellor soon after by husband passed., felt l was suffocating and drowning in my grief , waited for what seemed like hours, spoke and cried so much lm not sure what advice if any she gave me !

I have found words from others who are on this grief journey are the most comforting and helpful. people who say you will be okay are trying to help but do not realise the pain we are experiencing.

I am blessed with family and some lovely friends, this site gives us extra friends.

Big hug to you take care


My partner died in January and have found this site invaluable.
Life is certainly different and it’s an experience that you’ll never understand until you have been through it. People mean well but they really don’t know how to handle grief.
I’m sorry about your dog, that must have been incredibly traumatic and painful. The loss of a pet is huge and my heart goes out to you.
I can now listen to music and watch TV, although I still can’t watch all the programs we would have watched together.

This site is good. Keep reaching out as there’s always someone to support you and help.

We can have good days but the grief days will always get us. I just embrace the bad days, sometimes I can feel it building so I put on the celebration of life music we had and just sob. Then it’s done again for a while. The time in between doors get longer.

The missing him hasn’t changed but I’m finding more ways to cope with that. It’s not all great but I’m doing it best I can.

I cannot stop crying today buckets of tears , everything l do just makes me long for my lovely husband .

Life carry’s on everyone just doing normal things, like we used to, lovely evening my husband would have had a glass of wine and read while sitting in the garden with me making our plans.

I keep going back to when we meet 55 years ago and won’t to have it all again.

Sorry l just needed to put down my thoughts, reaching out my children are lovely but l cannot let them always how l am feeling so sad, l say lm okay !

Hugs to you all as we try to come to terms with our loss not sure l [quote=“Take2, post:1, topic:71375, full:true”]
My wonderful husband died September 2022 from a cardiac arrest l was with him it was so sudden, he said he didn’t feel well, l said you will be okay in a minute, as l said it he died in front of me we had been together for 55years, and celebrated 50 years of married life in March 2022.
My heart feels like it’s been torn from my body, lm lost and keep thinking he will come back to me and make me whole again and continue with our life that we shared.

all my confidence has disappeared, l hold his clothes and wonder what life is about doubting everything that l believed in, wondering where he is.
I cry so much and wonder if this pain will every disappear, l feel not, l loved him so so much he was my every thing.
I am fortunate to have 3 children who are very supportive and grandchildren, also to have had 55 years with my wonderful husband.
I have been reading everyone’s heartaches and it makes you feel not so alone as we go through life without our loved ones, l hope we all find comfort as we go on this difficult journey.
Our little dog who we loved was hit by a car and died Saturday cannot believe this happened. So more heart ache,
Comforting hugs to you all