Loss of my wife

I lost my wife and best friend 4 weeks today my family have been great and are by my side most days But the evening are the most lonely times I have ever experienced in order to keep busy I have started the task of sorting out my wife’s processions and feel so guilty for bagging up her clothes and bits and bobs I know it needs doing but feel disloyal to her They say time heals but I still find myself crying and talking to her photo telling her how much I miss her I try to put a front on when I am with family and friends but really just want to hide away from everyone until this passes


I know how hard it is to say goodbye to your other halfs belonging. I kept some of my hubbys shirts and a friend of mine knew someone that made keepsakes out of them i had a teddy made and keep him on my bed i can still smell jim on it and it gives me a little bit of comfort. Dont be to hasty to get rid of everything .
Wishing you well my friend.


Very early days. Take your time. I am on 7 weeks. Had to sell his car and our tiny caravan or as we called it the luxury holiday accommodation. It can feel like you are dismantling their lives. As I said take your time. Big hugs

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There is no correct pace to go at, do what’s right for you. My wife died 18 months ago, I remember feeling like I was erasing the memory of the person I loved. Thinking about you all

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@Misprint hi I’m looking at doing the same with some of my husbands clothes. I would love a bear made too. I can’t pack his clothes away yet I’m just not ready. It’s 9 weeks today :broken_heart:


So sorry for your loss it’s 9 weeks today since I lost my amazing husband. I can’t pack his clothes away yet it’s too soon for me.