Loss of my wife


I lost my beloved wife of 35 years Gail 4 weeks ago & cant stop thinking about her,everyday i seem to breakfown and am struggling to cope,ive suffered grief before when we lost our 9 year old Joshua in 2003 but Gail was with me then & we got throught it together, this is so different and hard ,how do people carry on ,im heartbroken.
Thanks for listening


Hi @66delboy66
I’m so sorry for the loss of your wife and the heartache that you both have endured with the loss of Joshua.
The pain you feel is your love for her and sadly there is no simple answer or remedy to help us get through this.
I’m 4 months in and my husband is in my head 24/7. I find it hard to not think about him and my mind finds a way for everything to relate back to him.
I hope that this will ease with time and life will get a bit easier. It’s so early for you at the moment - everything will be so difficult but just try take it a day at a time - or an hour at a time.
Do you have people you can lean on who can offer support?
Keep posting here -
It’s good to share your thoughts and feelings - and there is a lot of understanding and support on here form people who really do understand.
Look after yourself - and be kind to yourself. It’s a tough situation we are all in.
Sending some strength and a virtual hug xx


Doubtful as it seems, it does get easier, life begins to regain some purpose. But after 4 weeks it still seemed hopeless for me as well. All we can do is hang on, and do as Roni has suggested.
It took about 18 months for me to think that Ill be ok, and now after 27 months I’m enjoying life again. I never forget my 50 years of marriage but it doesnt hurt me any more.
Hang on there, be confident there really is an end to your grief, and when you are ready, there are many things you can do to help you on your way back.
Keep talking to us


Hi @66delboy66

I’m so sorry for your losses

It is really early days for you but you will learn to cope. It will take a while but at the moment take things day by day, hour by hour if necessary.

I’m 5 months in now and like @roni52 my husband fills my head constantly. I talk to him and write to him every night. I still cry daily but I am learning to cope.
And so will you. But it will take time. I’m afraid there is no magic wand.
Reach out to friends and family if you can, and try to get out everyday, if its only for a walk to the local shops. It helps to break up the day.
Keep posting on here. Everyone understands because we have all been where you are now

Sending a big hug x

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