Loss of my Wife

My Wife of 43 years passed away on January 3rd 2025. I am coming or trying to come to terms with her loss. does anybody have any ideas about how I can do this?


I am so sorry for your loss.
There are no easy answers I’m afraid. It is a long and hard road with a myriad of emotions. The best advice from most people here is to take each hour or day at a time. Don’t look too far ahead and don’t expect too much of yourself too soon. Your profile says you are a horticulturist, so maybe think of yourself as a tiny new seed that needs a lot of time and care to grow again. Congratulate yourself for every small every day task you achieve as each one builds towards making you strong enough to get through.
Use this forum to read around and to talk about how you feel at any point, there’s lots of support as we are all going through similar things.

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Francisco, I am so sorry for your loss, sudden or expected makes no difference, the impact is always devastating.

I’m only 4 days ahead of you so I can’t offer anything positive at the moment, other than don’t shut yourself away in any way.
My natural instinct is to wall myself up but everything I read on here tells me that’s a mistake.

Good luck coming to terms with your loss.

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