Loss of parents

Having lost my step father and mum last year. It’s a strange feeling of loneliness even with support around you.
My dogs keep me going, they give so much and give you a reason. Highly recommend .much :heart: love to all who are grieving


Sorry for your loss Douglas . Losing one parent is bad enough but to lose both in same year is truly dreadful. I have two dogs and yes they do keep you going gives me a reason to get up in morning . Nothing seems the same anymore how can it we are alone and frightened of the future. At the moment all I see is a dark tunnel that I’m walking down and no light at the end of it . Take care big hug to you x

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So sorry for you loss I lost my beautiful mum recently and can totally relate too what your saying , I have two lovely little dogs who are so emphatic and I swear have really been missing my mum long before she passed. They definitely know I am sad and are regularly giving me gentle kisses or there paw it’s so sweet but I feel so guilty as the last 3 days I’ve felt so bad I haven’t left the house. I just don’t know how too do this I miss her so much. X