Loss of parents

I have lost both my parents to cancer mum first then dad. I cannot believe I lost both of them to the same disease I survived at the age of 5. I struggle every single day, I feel unable to move on and cope with every day life. I feel sad every single minute of every single day.


Hello @Onlychild,

Thank you for bravely reaching out by starting this thread. I’m so sorry for the loss of your parents. You are not alone. Sadly, many of our members have experienced the loss of their parents. You may want to connect with @Atthezootoo and @Christie11 who have both recently shared their experiences of losing both parents.

You might also find these Sue Ryder resources helpful in coping with grief.

Take good care and keep reaching out,

Sorry for your loss, I lost mum last August. I’m still in the same flat I lived with her over 50 odd years and while mum lived to a good age 95, it doesn’t make it any easier. I have a sister but I’m on my own really. Losing mum not only my problems I have equally serious to deal with. But somehow life kind of carries on. Can’t say I’m that happy about life but what can we do ?

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Hey. So sorry you’re going through this too - it’s a whole new world altogether that no one should ever have to get used to. I can understand the daily struggle. Can you tell us a little bit about your mum and dad and what happened? It might help to talk about it. I lost my parents 14 months apart, both to cancer - mum was Nov 2022 and dad March 2024, it’s heartbreaking :broken_heart:

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Mum bought me up on her own since I was 8 or 10. I won’t talk about father because I never saw him again.

That sounds hard @Keith68 when your mum has very much been at the centre of your life. Things do seem to just go on around us, but I always feel like I’m never fully focused on it

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Yea it’s not easy

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Hi thank you for your message. My mum and dad were the most wonderful people. My mum was a very strong woman and she loved life, I would spend most of my days with her when she was alive. Both mum and dad were hands on when it came to being grandparents for the first time in January 2001 and again in 2007. Mum loved being a nana and my dad was overjoyed with being a grandad. Mum had skin cancer which was a kick in the teeth because she didn’t sit in the sun uncovered or with no suncream on, it was in her tear duct and had a long hard battle with the damn thing and eventually in February 2013 I said my last goodbye and it broke me……why my mum??? Life has never been the same. I took care of my dad who was absolutely devastated and together we kind of muddled through the best we could. I spent so much time with my dad after that and now he’s gone I can’t cope with it.

I am an only child. both parents are gone, loving parents, we were close.
today, I struggle a lot. many areas in my life are lacking.

I feel sad every single minute of every single day.
I RELATE. I also add deep pain and depression to the equation and repeat to myself: I must see them! I must go home and see them! It is a nightmare. You are not alone. :heart:

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