Loss of Parents

I lost my Dad quite suddenly although he was frail to cancer in March '23. He was given 2 weeks to live, and managed 5 days.
I’ve not really grieved him as such.
My mum took his death hard and i took over the role of organising everyone to ease the burden for her.
Dec '23 my mum was diagnosed with Myeloma Cancer.
May this year, i found her fallen out of bed. 16 hours later she had died due to sepsis, causing multi organ failure. Her death has gone to inquest.
Im just finding it difficult. Hard to reach out for support, as every turns to me.
Started to sort through her things and went to talk to my daughter about it and she blew up at me. Saying im rail roading it, even though minus the sofa and chairs these were furniture items my mum had agreed to go. As whilst she was on a holiday, we were going to decorate her house. Make some room as we knew the time was getting closer we may have to live with her.
This just got me feeling like walking away and feeling so alone
I haven’t grieved yet.
Long winded post but grateful to offload this

this is the worst chapter of your life. It will be rough waters. emotions are raw and the world hurries on its way.

I am sorry you have to go through this. in a year or two, things will be much better though you will always grieve. :heart: