Loss of partner

I’m sending you a virtual hug as I feel your pain, I lost my wonderful partner, 6 months ago and am finding life very challenging and difficult without him, we did everything together and now the days seem to drag on and on like living in limbo
Friends who were there in the beginning slowly drift away and the invites stop coming, the loneliness is unbearable, but I’m trying to get on with my life and survive for him, I have forgotten how to laugh and enjoy living but not the same without that special person by your side


So sorry to hear what you and your husband are going though. I am a physio by profession so have spent a fair bit of time treating people with lung conditions and watched my mother in law die from emphysema. Not being able to get your breath must be terrifying.
Sending you and @Colmar1 love.
Karen xxx


Thank you for your reply, it is, indeed, very tough and being a nurse myself makes it more difficult. Knowing what’s happening/going to happen but trying to remain positive. So hard at times. X