Loss of Wife

It’s been 21 months since i lost my darling wife i thought i was getting over it but no I’m not just lately been missing her so badly i am crying again no hel from family they don’t understand we were together 46 years married 44 years i am now thinking if she is not coming back i would like to be with her


Hello @Bill2,

I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. It sounds as though things are very difficult at the moment and you are feeling down.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support. You might already be familiar with our other Online Bereavement Support services, but if not, you can find out more about our Online Counselling service, our Grief Coach text support service, and our Grief Guide self-help tools by visiting the link.

Take care - keep reaching out,


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Hey @Bill2 I’m sorry you are struggling at the moment. I know you say it’s 21 months but that is really no time at all, especially as you were together for so long.
I’ve read that the 2nd year is often harder than the first and so would urge you to keep going, just a day or an hour at a time.
Have you told your family how much you are struggling ? They may not realise or understand the extent of your grief at the moment.
It’s ok to feel lost and alone without our other half - it truly is awful. I try think of it as a reflection of the love we had, it it doesn’t always ease the pain of our loss.
Keep reaching out here if it helps, there are many of us who understand and lots of support and kindness from those who have similar stories.
Please look after yourself
Sending some strength and a virtual hug xx

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@Bill2 it us really difficult to explain to family how your brain is working, as no one can truly understand until their brain has been rewired by a catastrophic loss. I can certain vouch yr 2 is a struggle. I have many days when i think what is the ruddy point. I do find writing these thought down lessens there impact and allows me to regain control. It is a battle. Tbh one i wish j wasnt having to live, but here i am and i would not want my linda to have this, so i plow on. Stay safe allen

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Thank you all really appreciate your kind words family don’t understand not even my son I’ve been told and i suppose it is true that mother and son is different relationship to husband and wife but my son’s fiancee is absolutely brilliant having lost her brother about 3 years ago she understands how i am struggling even she didn’t know my wife she arrived after her death they would have got on famously