
How do you cope , when the day seems to be okay, but then the grief slams you once again.
Life just doesn’t seem worth carrying on with, I don’t know what to do x


I do know what you mean. Sadly, I think we have to accept that the grief will come back over and over, many times on some days, and we just have to suffer it. I never thought I would think this, but now I have no fear of death. BUT I do have a sister and sister-in-law who need me, as well as two dogs who really need me every day to feed and walk them and love them - they need me, especially since they also lost my lovely Alan, who they loved. I am sure you have friends and relations who need you and who will need you in the future. We just have to hang on. I have been told that it doesnt go away, but it gets easier to bear. I hope so, for everyone on this site. Thinking of you.


Thank you so much for your help, you are so right, my sister who also lost her husband and is disabled, needs me I also have a friend who says she doesn’t know what she would do with out me, so you really helped me to see that xx

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Yes the hurting hits you when you least expect it, don’t try to stop the tears letting it out I’ve found helps.
Mornings and nights i find hard at times
Take care :heart: :pray:

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