
I lost my grandad to covid. I’ve been struggling ever since. I feel empty. I feel lost. I’m only 23 years old I’m living in a constant heartache. I feel like I don’t know to move on in life without my favourite person here

Dear Joe

I am sorry for your loss. You have found a forum where others will offer you support. You do not say when you lost your grandad but I assume that it has been recent and therefore emotions will still be so raw for you.

My two children were extremely close to their granda - my dad - who died in 2010 and my son was a similar age to yourself. On reflection I can tell you that my son wishes he had sought counselling but he thought he could deal with it himself. Also he felt unable to talk to his friends about his loss. I note that you say you work in a school, please speak with your employer and see what support they can offer you. Also please do talk to family and friends about how you feel.

Like yourself my children were fortunate to have that close bond and my dad was so proud of the relationship he had with them. I hope that at some point you will be able to look back on the time, adventures and experiences you shared with your grandad and find some comfort.

Take care.

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Thank you! Yes I lost him in February. It’s still so fresh and raw for me. Sometimes I don’t feel like I can talk to family as I don’t want to be a burden to them as we are all going through the same thing. My employer has been amazing to me generally my workplace has been amazing as they know what I’m going through and let me have my moments.

I’m grateful for each day I spent with him I just wish our adventures didn’t end so soon! But thank you​:pleading_face::white_heart:

Dear Joe

I am sure that your family will not feel burdened - they themselves may want to talk about their feelings with someone or just to talk about your grandad. Also I think counselling allows you to express thoughts and feelings that you feel unable to share with friends or family but only you can do what you are comfortable with.

My dad taught my children so much during the time he was with them which they have taken and apply in their own lives now. These include traditions and values. I am sure that this will be the same for you and in future you can recount the stories that he will have shared with you and want to do some of the same things.

Take care.

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