
I’m having a difficult time and finding it really hard to get by I lost my soulmate on the 2nd of December he died of heart disease but I tried to do cpr and I’m thinking I didn’t try hard enough !! It’s been 4 weeks and I still feel the same can’t even eat just makes me sick how do you get through

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So sorry to hear of your loss. No words really describe the pain, unless you are going through it, nobody would have a clue.
I lost my husband in March of this year to a heart attack. He was making out morning cuppa and then he was gone. There is no good time to lose your soul mate but when it is unexpected it seems so unreal and such a shock.
When I think of all the things we wanted to do together, my world falls apart all over again.
Unfortunately there is no way to avoid this horrible journey. All I can say is keep posting on this site. It has helped me, simply by knowing everyone on here understands what you are going through

Take care
Dee xx

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Hello Lisa, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I am in a similar position having lost my husband suddenly to a pulmonary embolism in November. He hadn’t been ill before this. I still feel totally shocked and can’t really believe it.
I keep asking myself what should I have done differently. I lost a lot of weight in the first four weeks. I just felt sick and not hungry at all. For the sake of my children I started eating something at every meal time. Even if it was only a very small amount. I have stopped feeling so dizzy and faint.
It is still early days for us. This is the most painful, exhausting and frightening experience. I feel your pain.
I am just trying to survive in the hope that it will start to get easier. You are not on your own.


I lost my partner last n November it keeps hitting me I will never stop missing him I’ve stopped calling the helplines now they did help on the first shock weeks when I couldn’t eat I have done two shifts at work this past week but today I found it hard we were so close it was like I finally found my soulmate I am trying to get through the time we haven’t had the funeral yet they couldn’t trace his family on Friday they told me they had and now the family are of course in charge but I don’t know them I sent a message through that I would really like to be in touch so just hoping they contact me otherwise can’t go to funeral but at least I have his things around me I feel so desolate I just came back from work and have to go back to bed just being quiet in my room, I miss him so much I wonder what I could have done why didn’t I call an ambulance when he said he felt so I’ll then he said he was going to hospital but he didn’t just to stop me worrying I really feel like I just want to die as I can’t take any more pain but I have a 32 year old son and I can’t do that to him and somehow I hope that one day I may feel happy again, maybe lots of time has to pass but there will be no one like him