
I lost my wife on 16th April 2022 after 42 years marriage. When do you stop crying ? :cry:


So sorry for your loss. I lost my partner 8 weeks ago, suddenly, had a heart attack, he was fit, healthy, no symptoms aged 63. I had known him since 10 yrs old. 54 years.
Grief is so very different for everyone and I don’t think there are any answers to when or how that grief changes. I was the opposite, couldn’t cry. Still can’t. The 12 mth mark though seems to be a struggle for many people. It’s also all the firsts that hit hard. Xmas, New Year, Birthday, Anniversary and the list goes on. A constant reminder of our sadness that we will never see them again.
You have come through the first year so hopefully the crying will ease up at some point but if it doesn’t then that’s ok. What we resist persists so do what you need to and if crying helps then that’s perfectly normal. Take care


I’m sorry your still struggling. As @Sarlyn says it’s hard to know when. Everyone is different. I’m 3 months in from my partners sudden death to cardiac failure. I’m not too bad at the moment but then I have company everyday, a dog gets me out and about and I go to work, currently phased return.
Some days are still awful but I take the good days as a win when they happen.
I don’t hide from the bad days, I let them happen and embrace them.
I really hope you feel it get easier soon.


@andersonfan1 I’m so sorry for your loss. I also lost my husband of 35 years to cancer. I’m only week 4 on this awful journey. I cry every day, sometimes I can’t stop :broken_heart:. Take care


The simple answer is you probably never will. There is always something, a reminder, a smell, or music that will catch you unaware. It’s just over two years since my husband died and I still cry on occasions now. It doesn’t take much. Don’t be too hard on yourself, tears will become less in time but they will always be there.


3 months since my husband died. He kept a diary and it’s bitter- sweet to read what we were doing this time last year; buying plants together, clearing up the garden after the winter, happily pottering.
Today was the first warm day this year and we would have had a cup of coffee on the patio. I looked at the empty chairs and came indoors. When two lives are intertwined every little thing is a reminder that hurts.

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@Bluebell47 I totally agree. Everywhere I look, everywhere I go is filled with memories of happy times. At the moment all they do is make me sad and reinforce the void that now fills every minute of every day.

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When 2 lives are intertwined is exactly that…it makes you realise how we are always 2 parts of a whole…the separation is like losing your right arm and without a right arm we are rendered pretty much incapable, kind of sums up grief perfectly