
Zeedonk, thank you for all those kind words. Means so much and thoughtful, especially when tomorrow is another day. Reading your post has really helped❤️ xx

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No one judges you,we all lost our children in many different ways and how & why doesn’t matter, what matters is that we are suffering unimaginable pain.
Remember your beautiful daughter and the joy that she brought you as a mother.
Doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks she was your precious child.
Much love,
Jayne x


Ty, so much, the first time I’ve had people understand
At the moment, I don’t know if I’m on foot or horseback!!!
Next week, is a year since my daughter,my best friend died, a year since I had any contact with her baby girl, my granddaughter
I’m trying to support my best friend, who’s funeral was today, on top of all this, my partner is forgetting things, silly things, and not sure why


My best friends husbands funeral was today

So, I’m here, 14 months since my girl died, 14 months since I last had any contact, verbal or visual with her baby girl, my granddaughter
In July, she will be 10, going into double figures, she has been taken to Australia, she is duel nationality, her Australian family are denying me any contact at all, not even replying to any emails!!!
I get told it’s time to move on, it’s not an option!!!
I live and breath every minute of that horrendous day morning, noon and night
I’ve said it before, I’ll say again, I lost both of my girls that day, one I saw pass away, one was taken, it never goes away

Hi Birchwood,
I feel for you so much.
I lost my only son on 1st November 2022 suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 31 years old and I’m so devastated.
I often wonder how much I wished that he had had a child so I could remember him and feel so much closer to him but I understand from reading these posts that actually it can be even more difficult if a grandchild is involved,
My heart goes out to you and realise that having more complications has even more heartache.
Not that your grandchild is a heartache but it obviously creates more stress and anxiety.
Thinking of you,
Much love Jayne xxx

I understand the loss, I’ve suffered a similar loss. My son passed following heart surgery Jan 2023, my daughter in law found it too hard to handle so the biological father of her son (who called me grandma) swooped in and took him away. Then last month my daughter in law took her life. I’ve lost contact with the only grandchild I will probably ever have and he’s 6000 miles away with no contact. I pray that little boy has a good life.

My life has become totally consumed with the death of my daughter and the taking of my granddaughter!!!
Probably seems to some, in fact I know to some, it’s a time in life that has passed
I spend my life looking for reasons why her dad is denying me contact with Bella, I go round in circles with emails never being responded to, all I get is she is so angry with me, but no explanation what she is angry about

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I’ve worked with young people for 24yrs, 18 of those with very damaged children
Children safeguarding is my passion
I know that children who are at risk love the people who care for them, so, an 8yr old, who had so much love in her life using phraseology like, "you never looked after me, "is seeds being planted by other parties