
My best friend passed away 22nd November (aged 54) my neighbour who was like an aunt to me passed away 6th December (aged 79) and my cousin passed away 27th January (aged 46)
None of them were ready, cancer, undiagnosed illness, misfortune and mental illness were the reason (no particular order)
Anyway. It’s my birthday tomorrow, I’ll be 44, I feel bad, especially as I’ll miss my best friend, she would have sent me a lovely message.
I feel so lucky to be here but I’m so lost. Three significant losses, which way to turn, where to start with the grieving process.
I know I’m not alone - I’m happy to be on here and sharing
Much love

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That’s so sad. Wishing you a peaceful birthday tomorrow. You’re right - you’re not alone, here :yellow_heart:.


Thank you for reading and replying with a lovely message. I find it hard to share, I have never been on something like this before. I’m supporting my friends husband too, it’s a lot, so I’m hoping I can get advice and guidance how to navigate not only my grief, but help with his x

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Happy birthday Suzie! I hope you are able to have a wonderful day and celebrate. We’re going through all the painful firsts this year without Dad. My birthday was a mix of wanting to be appreciative that I’m on Earth and healthy, but also so sad and lonely missing my father. Gone before his time, I’m trying to live a good life in honour of him, one he’s now missing out on :pensive:.

Our loved ones would want us to be happy and enjoy our lives as much as we can without them. Xx

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Hi Suzie, first of all I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost my mum on 15th January (blue Monday) and I know that feeling of being lost and all over the place, it’s still so painful for me but I hope like me, in time you can have peace. I’m also new on here and just feeling my way round, but it does feel it might help in some way

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I’m so sorry for your loss. I think this space is great for us to share. I know my loved ones would want me and everyone to be happy and live, so I do that most of the time, but there are times when there’s just no sense.
Much love to you x