Lossing my mom

I lost my mother to cancer a little over two months ago. She passed away 5 days before her birthday, and i absolutely hate myself i feel like it’s my fault if I would have taken her to the hospital earlier they would have been able to diagnose her earlier and she would have still been alive… I miss her so much. We never had the best of relationships but recently started Bonding again… i am struggling to deal with the grief and feel like i am placing my problems on my boyfriend when I talk to him about it. Everyone around me still has their mother and i wish they never feel this pain but that also means they won’t understand what I’m going through


Hello @Micb ,

I’m so sorry to read about your Mother. It sounds like things are really difficult for you right now and you are feeling a lot of guilt, please be kind to yourself, guilt can often be part of a bereavement.

I just wanted to reach out to thank you for sharing so honestly and to let you know there is lots of other support out there. I would really encourage you to speak to someone about how you are feeling. The following website might help you find support services closer to home: https://help.befrienders.org/

You deserve care and support, @Micb - keep on reaching out.

Take care,

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So sorry to hear about your mum. I have recently lost my dad and it hurts so much nothing makes any sense anymore to me

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Thank you so much I really appreciate it allot i will go look at the website thank you so much

I am so so sorry to hear about your Dad I have no words. I have never been one to comfort someone but i can listen if u ever wanne talk