Lost a great family man

I lost my dad on the 23rd March he was 94 years old
He had a short illness and stay in hospital before passing
I give him permission to go if he could not fight the infection he had that night he had a peaceful night woke the next morning had a little breakfast than at 11.20am he went to sleep non of the family was with him my mum is left devastated after 64 years of marriage I have not had time to grieve properly part of me feels guilty did I do the right thing saying he can go .
The most heart breaking thing is to see my 2 year old grandson trying to find his grandad Harry if he isn’t sitting in his armchair he must be upstairs so up he goes he is to young to process that he isn’t around anymore I’ve tried telling him grandad is in the clouds but my grandson still is unsettled just dont know how to help him x

Dear Lisajanex

I’m so sorry you lost your dear Dad and for your mother too. To be married so long - a lifetime. It is a very difficult time for you all. I don’t know how to advise you on your two year old grandson, so hope you will find some answers on places like Cruse or the Samaritans. However, if I was his Nanny I think I’d try and distract him like take him out in the fresh air, or turn on the TV with Cbeebies, or buy him a special toy he can call Harry. Is that any good? You really have my sympathies at this time and I send you and your family my very best wishes and sympathy.
