Lost and Alone

I lost My Husband in Feb this year and exactly 43 days later I lost My Dog…Im so lost and alone.


I lost my partner in February and it still feel so surreal, like im in an alternate reality. To lose a pet, which you both shared together, another family member really, must be such a hard thing to cope with. I have found sharing here helpful. And reading that others are going through the same and understand hope you feel brings some comfort. Please, please reach out if you need to. Xx


Sorry for your loss. Everyone says its early days…rational head knows it is but its quite overwhelming…everyone has gone back to their lives now but Im alone.


Exactly same thing happened to me … lost my husband and 30 days later had to say goodbye to my lovely dog ben … i loved him so much but his back legs went - he was 16 xx


@RockChic, i get the same. “Its early days” “take your time” “this feeling will pass”. I know who the people are that have lost someone, you can tell they have some clue. And yes it does feel like everyone else has left you behind. But they are still there! They just dont tell you everyday. However, if they arent, the groups here are! They have been a great listening ear and support. And please feel free to personally message me if you would like to or feel you need to xx


Deep down I know all but one person is there for Me still…but it feels horrible cos I suppose I didnt expect to have to rebuild My Life right now…


I dont know how to be on My own tbh


My wife left me in February, and as I have said before, the early early days when you are sorting things out after the event, I seemed to be ‘coping’ so well, but then the tides have changed, I cry day and night, I try to get on with job etc, luckily I have our dogs to take care of, so losing them would be total devastation, our daughter is a rock, she also said she would sort my wife’s clothes out yesterday, but I can’t see them go yet , I know this has to be done, but it is another closure, another part of her going … don’t know what to do really, just riding the waves …


l lost my husband January this year ,and i am still finding hard to understand.I get lonely without him here with me.


Its good to know this is “normal” feelings. I feel I just cant move forward and just sit about all day watching mindless tv and comfort eat. Like a cloud is hanging over Me.
Im sorry to you all for your loss…I feel your pain.


I still do that now 15 months on … not all time cos life dictates we do some stuff but i think nothing wrong with it if it makes you feel better xx

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This is by far the worst pain I have ever had to deal with and is not getting easier to deal with at all, I know it is early days for a lot of us, but as many say, that is not any cancellation when you miss someone so much


I know its an awful pain. Lots of self care and try take care of yourself xx


I am the same. I lost my partner 8 months ago and hate being on my own. I either do jigsaw puzzles or watch mindless TV. I hoped that the weather would make me do some gardening which I used to like but it has rained almost every day since February. Anyway I have lost interest in my one hobby. I have lost motivation to do things and still cry a lot - when friends do pop round occasionally I have to put on a brave face. I have no family.


So sorry for your loss, we all know that feeling here, and sorry you have no one, we are all here for each other, even with family and friends it is still a lonely and emotional time, I have people trying to be with me a lot but it is not the same and as soon as they leave I drop like a brick back to the tears etc , take care always


Today all of a sudden I started to cry and could not stop, it has been nearly 4 months since I lost my lovely wife Sue, our daughter text me
Every day and today was busy so did not text till late, she then called me and asked if I was okay, knowing I wasn’t as I couldn’t say a word, just tried to hold back the tears, which didn’t last long before I was. Sobbing, she was very close to her mum, they were best friends as well as mother and daughter so she is grieving so much too so I hate breaking down when talking to her, although she would not have it any other way, I go to the crem most
Nights and play some music and chat but then of course it is back home alone … I know I should not say it but if I knew 100% we would be together again I would go find her now , I feel so low and need her with me x


Such early days for you @Glyn …you’re bound to still be upset. Keep being kind to yourself … i got told lots of self care and its so true we do have to give lots of self care especially in these early days xxx

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