Lost and lonely

It is now just over 4 months since I lost my darling husband, and I am feeling more alone and sad than ever.
It’s the time of year when people are excitedly planning holidays, days out etc. and it makes me think that should have been us. What is there to look forward to ? Daily life is a struggle. I try to keep busy, but the weekends are the worst, especially Bank Holidays. I feel so lost.
Sending love to you all


Hi Anne

I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband and I do hope you can find comfort from this site like I have and still do. It is such early days for you and your feelings are going to be a roller coaster of emotions.

I lost Ian last June and am dreading the coming summer as well. The winter was so much easier when I could lock myself away, close the curtains early and think, good another day is over.

We loved travelling and days out and that is how we spent most of our time so it is so, so hard that we will never do that again.

Take care of yourself and remember that you are not alone.

X Julie

I know, my friend, I know. I am packing my diary with stuff to do as it is the empty days when I crash and cry. Yesterday was a tough day. Today I am having a clear out/filing/admin day and might get the car washed… I know how to live, here! I miss T with all my soul. He died in January this year - so similar time to your loss. We are walking through this new land without a map, with no idea of what to expect or what will happen next. The key for us both, @AnneC, is to keep going, to keep moving as best we can. Sending loads of love.

Hi Julie
You are right, and I think it is getting more difficult now the days are longer and lighter. My husband loved our garden, and it is looking so beautiful this spring, but I am sad he’s not here to see it.
Like you we enjoyed days out and travelling and I treasure those times and memories.

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My husband loved our garden too, my favourite place to be where I feel closest to home X


This is my first post on this forum and the above posts resonate with me so much. My husband died of oesophagus cancer in October last year, 2021 so I’m still very raw and lost.

I have a large garden to get into shape and I honestly thought with the warmth and sunshine I would really enjoy being out there and I do up to a point but it will never be as it was.
Take care of your selves.

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I know what you mean, after the intense grief of the first few months you settle into the ‘nothing’ period. Where everyone else’s lives are moving forward and you feel stuck and alone, not really wanting to move forward and just generally wondering whats the point. I dont think youre alone in this feeling I think we just have to keep going and see what happens…