Lost and lonely

Despite it being two and a half years since my husband died, I still feel as though I’m just passiing time until I see him again. I’ve lost my identity. To the outside world I appear outgoing and independent


Despite only being 9months since my wife Joan died, I understand how you feel, for 45 years she was always here for me and my stupid brain can’t accept that she has gone forever.
When I wake up in the morning I think ‘please,not another day without her’ but get up and go through the motions.
I am hopeful that I shall see her again but I am not religious, I envy people who have their faith to support them, I cannot offer you any meaningful advice but can only offer you my deepest sympathy for your raw grief that has lasted so long.


I know these feelings too well.
Only 5 months since my husband passed unexpectedly and suddenly no warning aged 63. We had so much planned forbour retirement. Now retirement alone holds no meaning and the thought i could live another 20+ years on my own gives me no pleasure.
I know our lives are now changed but it us something we are never prepared for.
Take care


I don’t believe in heaven but I do believe in afterlife and that they exist in some form. I will see him again one day and understand what all this crap is about. If I’m wrong my lights will go out and I’ll know nothing about it or anything else, so win win, I guess x


Totally understand what you are saying. It’s 20 months since the death of my wife. I was masking a lot but now I find it too exhausting. All my energy is focused on simply surviving each day. This is not my world anymore. I miss my wife terribly and want to be with her again.

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You are right lynne . I am at over 5 months and I am scared to think about such a long time without my soulmate . I am 56 he passed suddenly at 58 regards to you Julia