Lost and Sad

Loosing my wife of over 40 years has left me empty.My wife passed away January 22. I’m struggling to get her collapse which was quite traumatic out my head I can know talk about what happened I feel so sad and that’s not the normal me, always jolly and positive.
I’m only 60 with hopefully many years to live knowing that life can be cut short at any time.
I have built up a friendship in the last few weeks with a women, am I wrong or being disrespectful to my late wife she is just a friend but worrying if it should turn into something more.
I’ve had my late wife by my side since we were 15 years old, no one will ever take her place in my heart but I’m concerned if I may want this friendship to turn into something else.

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You are still young enough to have a full life with or without this lady. I am sure your wife would want you to do whatever it is that makes you happy. Take one day at a time. Friendship is precious and if it becomes deeper then that is doubly precious. Someone once said that a good happy marriage can lead to another happy marriage in time. I was distraught for months after losing my hubby but am now wondering if there could perhaps be someone else. Even at my grand old age of 75.

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