Lost and unable to sleep

Hello, I’m not very good at talking but am struggling with loss and need support.

I recently lost my father after a short and rather brutal stroke and took on a lot of the duties of his care pre-death as well as after it.

It’s been two months now and I find myself unable to properly ‘feel’ what I am sure I should be feeling and am concerned…

I have also started having 3 or 4 nights per week where I have been unable to sleep (at all) and am reaching the end of my tether… I have tried medication but am loathe to try it again as it feels it is just covering up something I should deal with…

Really sorry but would appreciate any advice


Hi im very sorry for your loss Sleep is very important to help you cope with your night .Medication can help (im on sleeping tablets ) i dont see it as covering something up, i see it as helping me .Because lack of sleep or no sleep jangles your mind and body even more than jangling it through your nightmare .Sleep give you a rest from this because unfortunately your nightmare will wait for you .It doesnt need sleep or food .Why struggle all the time when you can get some relief .There isnt a right or wrong way to feel .Everybody has their own nightmare and deals with it differently .Take it day by day dont plan what you dont have to .Sleep and food are essential through this .Take some me time also to break the horror your going through .Colin .I understand the caring side i was my wifes full time carer for 8 years .Im 59 my darling wife Denise passed 04032016 on her 41 st birthday .Ihope ive helped ive no desire to upset or judge you in anyway

Thank you Colin, I do appreciate all you e said.

In the early hours after another long night of no sleep, it can be really hard to think clearly about what options I have.

I’m sorry for your loss as well but take strength that I’m not the only one going through this torment… it can feel like that sometimes

I’ve got some sleeping pills from my GP who suggested I try them but I held off… my concern is if I take them once and sleep, then don’t without… what then?

Thank you again for your support and thoughts, I take strength from your words and will try to treat myself a little more gently!
