Lost both parents in same month

Hi, we nursed mummy at home with liver cancer and she died on 02.05.24 and we then brought daddy home where he died on 28.05.24 from delirium and advanced Parkinson’s. We genuinely feel like I’m drowning. I literally can’t tell each day when I wake up which one I’m going to grieve for today.


Hi, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I had a similar experience last year, my mother was ill in hospital (not life threatening), and my father, struggling without her, died suddenly without warning. My mother then passed a month later, of a broken heart.
Its really tough, and you feel like your world has ended. No one to turn to as they don’t understand the crushing pain you feel, its like no other. But it really is like the cliche- take one day at a time, breathe deeply, don’t let others tell you how to grieve or how you should be feeling, only you can know your pain. Some days i miss my mother more and others its my father I miss and need. But most of the time I miss them and grieve for them together, how they wanted to be.
Cry when you need to, scream when you need to! I’m getting there very slowly with help from friends, my husband, my doctor, my grief counsellor and my anti-depressants! You do what you need to do, what feels right for you. Take care and I hope you find strength - they will always be with you, guiding you. Take comfort from your memories and in time you will smile when you remember them. You will get there, just be kind to yourself, and don’t pressure yourself either. :heart::heart:

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a severe double whammy. I am so sorry. you are going through a very real trauma. act accordingly, meaning understand how much you are suffering a major tragedy. my cousins wife lost her parents with in a week of one another. I feel we must allow grief to have its way with us - do not fight it. let it all out. grief groups helped me a lot and I saw a counselor. helped a lot too. I am so very sorry, again. :heart:

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That sucks. But least you know theyll be chilling with each other lol. God bless. Night :sleeping: